The AS3320 is a high performance voltage controlled four-pole filter with on-chip voltage controllable resonance IC. The four independent sections may be interconnected to provide a wide variety of filter responses, such as low pass, high pass, band pass and all pass. A single input exponentially controls the frequency over greater than a ten octave range with little control voltage feedthrough. Another input controls the resonance in a modified linear manner from zero to low distortion oscillation. For those demanding applications, provision has been made to allow trimming for improved control voltage rejection. Each filter section features a variable gain cell which is fully temperature compensated, exhibits a better signal -to-noise ratio and generates its low distortion predominantly in the second harmonic. The device includes a minus two volt regulator to ensure low power dissipation and consequent low warm-up drift.
- Voltage controllable frequency - 12 octave rangeĀ
- Voltage controllable resonance - from zero to oscillation
- Accurate exponential frequency scale
- Accurate linear resonance scale
- Low control voltage feed-through -45dB typical
- Filter configurable into LPF, HPF, all pass, etc.
- Low noise: -86dB typical
- Low distortion in passband - 0.1% typical
- Low warm up drift
Product datasheet