The AS3394E is a complete analog music synthesizer voice-on-a-chip intended for software control by a microprocessor system.
Included inside the compact 24 pin package is fully temperature compensated, wide range, voltage controlled oscillator providing sub-oscillator, triangle, saw-tooth, and pulse waveforms; a voltage controlled mixer for adjusting the balance between the internally generated VCO waveforms and any external signal; a dedicated four-pole low-pass voltage controlled filter with voltage controlled resonance; a modulation amount VCA for modulating the filter frequency by the triangle waveform output of the VCO; and a final VCA for allowing the output to be enveloped.
Envelope control for both the VCF and final VCA may be provided by either a hardware envelope generator such as the AS3310 or through software.
All eight control inputs are provided with internal very high input impedance, low bias current buffers. Thus interface to a microprocessor system may be accomplished simply with a single DAC, 4051-type CMOS multiplexer, and 8 hold capacitors.
Requiring a bare minimum of other external components, the AS3394E is ideal for low cost polyphonic or polytimbric musical instruments featuring rich, analog sound.
Note: The AS3394E is not a replacement for the CEM3394.
- Complete synthesizer Voice on a Chip
- Sample & Hold buffers on-chip for easy interface to a μP
- Fully temperature compensated VCO
- Independently selectable VCO waveforms
- Sub-oscillator output
- Separate saw-tooth output
- Separate VCO and filter sections allowing design flexibility
- Constant Loudness vs Resonance VCF
- Rich Sounding VCF Design
- Filter FM routing for more Timbres
- Low Noise, Low Feedthrough VCA
Product datasheet